Chaa Thai is a podcast spilling the tea on Peace Corps volunteer life in Thailand! Each episode, hosts Dano Nissen and Morgan Shupsky interview a current Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand and do a deep dive on their experience at their host site. The tea is that there are as many examples of what service is like for a volunteer in Thailand as there are volunteers  join us as we get a taste!

Group 135 is back this week with Michael – a YinD volunteer in Chiang Mai! The 135 volunteers are experiencing their Reconnect conference after having been at site for almost three months. We checked in to see how Michael’s faring so far and it’s safe to say he’s doing better than both Dano and I ever have at our own sites. We talked about how he’s navigating his school schedule, managing his classrooms, his various travels around Chiang Mai, and his newfound hobby of visiting wats (and 7/11s).

Find more episodes of the Chaa Thai podcast here.

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