Anika Goyal, 128 YinD

Travel Destination

  • Koh Chang

Mode of Transportation

  • Bus

Travel Time (from BKK)

  • 5-8 hours

The Cost Factor

  • Mai peng

How was the weather?

  • Beautiful!

How long did you stay?

  • A few days

Would you recommend this destination?

  • You betcha!

Tell us a little bit about your travels…

Koh Chang is just as beautiful as some of the southern destinations but not as difficult to get to. I stayed at Bailan Hut Resort which was on the bay and away from all the commotion, which was what I wanted. I know there are busier areas for backpackers and such. The only problem was, that since we were so far from everything, we had to song taew everywhere which got costly but was still worth it.


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