Andy Cole, 130 TESS


Slow, to drop below,





Slowly, falling from the sky.

Breathe in.

Slowing down, time…

Breathe out.

An icy snowflake.

Joyful, Magical.

Kindly collecting.

Connecting with everything.

Pouring, into fresh soil,

Watering, drinking,
A seed.
Starts in…
3. Dam jai.

2. Chok dee.

1. Sanuk!

Take a deep breath.

Notice yourself.

Breathe out.


Deeply rooted,
Within yourself.

A ponderosa pine tree.
Beautiful they make me.

Smelling like warm, vanilla butterscotch.

Breath in.
Knowing one day,

Breath out.
Someone else,

May get to sit in their shade.

A visitor, who flew in,

To build a home.

Being Yourself.

A true wonder of the world.
Mother Nature.
Father Nurture.

Gently, helping each other.

And at the end of the day,

A peaceful home,

Cozy and warm,

From the sun,

or perhaps by a fire.

Welcome, old friend.



Letting go.




Hearing, the beat.

Of your heart,

And this poem.

Dancing with the music.

Rhythmic pouring.

Nicely harmonizing,

good or bad,

With all life.

Breathing in.

Spending time with yourself.


Without measure,

Breathing out,

Finding peace,

With all the pieces of life.


A piece,

A moment,

Of positive attention.

Luckily, a little goes a long way.


Don’t forget to pour yourself some too.

(This time, listen to the voice reading inside of your head.)


“Don’t forget to pour yourself some too.

Creating your own therapy:

I get to…(read this poem)

Will this make me a better or bitter person?

Staying humble when you have everything,

Being patient when you have nothing.

Telling yourself stories,
Are you looking or staring?

Finding your own;

True balance,

True love,

True you.


Being alive.
3.Have fun!

2. Stay strong.
1. Jai yen yen.”


Andy’s story is part of a series about “Finding Love in the Peace Corps.” Along with Andy’s past contributions, check out previous articles in this collection.

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